Wellness Incentives

You and your spouse (if your spouse is enrolled in an Eastman health care plan) can each earn up to $1,000 per year in wellness incentives when you achieve validated health improvement.  Incentive dollars are deposited into the employee’s Health Savings Account.

Apps & Activities in myCigna.com $100
Annual Preventive Exam $100

Earn Incentives

If Body Mass Index (BMI) => 30 Your Reward
Achieve 3 - 4.99% weight loss $300
Achieve 5 - 9.99% weight loss $400
Achieve 10% or greater weight loss $500


If Glucose > 100 then 10% improvement $500

Cholesterol LDL

If LDL > 129 then 10% improvement $300

To earn incentives for improving your health in one of these areas:

  1. You must first meet the biometric criteria
  2. Submit a baseline Wellness Screening Form on myCigna.com
  3. When you have made improvements on your biometrics, submit another Wellness Screening Form on myCigna.com
  4. Take the Heath Assessment on myCigna.com